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Getting the Most Out of WP-CLI: Tips and Tricks for Developers

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WordPress is a powerful and flexible content management system (CMS) that powers millions of websites. As a developer, you’re likely familiar with the graphical user interface (GUI) that WordPress offers. However, there’s another tool that can greatly enhance your productivity and efficiency: WP-CLI.

WP-CLI, or WordPress Command Line Interface, is a powerful tool that allows you to manage your WordPress site from the command line. Whether you’re updating plugins, managing themes, or even performing database operations, WP-CLI offers a faster, more efficient way to get things done. This guide will introduce you to some essential tips and tricks to help you get the most out of WP-CLI.

What is WP-CLI?

WP-CLI is a command-line tool for managing WordPress installations. It provides a set of commands that you can use to perform various tasks without needing to log into the WordPress admin panel. This can be especially useful for developers who prefer to work from the command line or need to manage multiple WordPress sites.

Some common tasks you can perform with WP-CLI include:

  • Installing and updating WordPress core
  • Managing plugins and themes
  • Running database operations
  • Managing users
  • Automating repetitive tasks

Now that you have a basic understanding of what WP-CLI is, let’s dive into some tips and tricks that can help you make the most of this powerful tool.

1. Installing WP-CLI

Before you can start using WP-CLI, you need to install it. Fortunately, the installation process is straightforward.

1. Download the WP-CLI Phar file:

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar

2. Verify the Phar file:

php wp-cli.phar --info

3. Make the file executable:

chmod +x wp-cli.phar

4. Move the file to a directory in your PATH:

sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp

After installation, you can check if WP-CLI is working correctly by typing `wp` in your terminal. If installed correctly, you should see a list of available commands.

2. Managing Plugins Efficiently

One of the most common tasks when working with WordPress is managing plugins. WP-CLI makes this process significantly faster. Here are a few commands that can help you manage plugins efficiently:

Install a plugin:

wp plugin install <plugin-slug>


wp plugin install akismet

Activate a plugin:

wp plugin activate <plugin-slug>


wp plugin activate akismet

Update all plugins:

wp plugin update --all

This command updates all the plugins installed on your WordPress site.

Delete a plugin:

wp plugin delete <plugin-slug>


wp plugin delete akismet

Using these commands, you can manage your WordPress plugins quickly and efficiently, without having to navigate through the WordPress admin interface.

3. Theme Management

WP-CLI also makes it easy to manage WordPress themes. Here are some useful commands:

Install a theme:

wp theme install <theme-slug>


wp theme install twentytwentyone

Activate a theme:

wp theme activate <theme-slug>


wp theme activate twentytwentyone

Update all themes:

wp theme update --all

Delete a theme:

wp theme delete <theme-slug>


wp theme delete twentytwentyone

These commands allow you to manage themes in a matter of seconds, which can be a huge time-saver, especially if you’re managing multiple sites.

4. Database Operations

Database management is another area where WP-CLI shines. Here are some common database tasks you can perform using WP-CLI:

Export the database:

wp db export <filename.sql>


wp db export backup.sql

Import a database:

wp db import <filename.sql>


wp db import backup.sql

Optimize the database:

wp db optimize

Repair the database:

wp db repair

Search and replace:

wp search-replace 'http://oldsite.com' 'http://newsite.com'

These commands make it easy to manage your WordPress database directly from the command line, without needing to use tools like phpMyAdmin.

5. Managing Users

User management is another task that can be streamlined with WP-CLI. Here are some useful commands for managing users:

Create a new user:

wp user create <username> <email> --role=<role>


wp user create john [email protected] --role=editor

List all users:

wp user list

Delete a user:

wp user delete <user-id>


wp user delete 2

Update user information:

wp user update <user-id> --<field>=<value>


wp user update 2 --user_pass=securepassword

Using these commands, you can quickly create, update, or delete users, which can be especially helpful when managing a site with many users.

6. Automating Repetitive Tasks

One of the most powerful features of WP-CLI is the ability to automate repetitive tasks. By creating custom commands or scripts, you can automate tasks that would otherwise take a significant amount of time. Here’s how to create a simple WP-CLI script:

1. Create a new file called script.sh and add the following content:

wp plugin update --all
wp theme update --all
wp core update
wp db export backup.sql

2. Make the script executable:

chmod +x script.sh

3. Run the script:


This script will update all plugins and themes, update WordPress core, and export the database. You can modify the script to include any other WP-CLI commands that you find useful.

7. WP-CLI Aliases

WP-CLI allows you to create aliases to simplify your workflow, especially if you manage multiple WordPress sites. For example, you can create an alias to manage a remote site:

  1. Open or create a .wp-cli/config.yml file in your home directory.
  2. Add the following content:
  ssh: [email protected]/path/to/wordpress

3. Use the alias:

wp @production plugin update --all

This alias allows you to run WP-CLI commands on your production server from your local machine, making it easier to manage remote sites.

8. Debugging with WP-CLI

Debugging is a crucial part of development, and WP-CLI provides several commands that can help you identify and resolve issues:

Debug info:

wp --info

This command provides information about your WP-CLI setup, which can be useful for troubleshooting.

Log errors:

wp config set WP_DEBUG true --raw
wp config set WP_DEBUG_LOG true --raw
wp config set WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY false --raw

These commands enable WordPress debugging and log errors to a file.

Check for file permissions:

wp eval 'var_dump(wp_is_writable(wp_upload_dir()["path"]));'

This command checks if the uploads directory is writable.

Using these debugging commands, you can quickly diagnose and fix issues on your WordPress site.


WP-CLI is an incredibly powerful tool that can help you manage your WordPress sites more efficiently. By mastering the commands and techniques outlined in this guide, you can save time, reduce manual work, and streamline your development workflow. Whether you’re managing plugins, themes, databases, or users, WP-CLI offers a faster, more efficient way to get things done. So, take the time to familiarize yourself with WP-CLI, and start integrating it into your WordPress development process today.

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